Case Studies

June 17, 2016

Urbannaturale Doubles Traffic and Revenue after SEO

Nearly 40% of all the keywords Urbannaturale ranked for were on the first page and over 7.5% of the total number of keywords Urbannaturale ranked for were in the #1 position

Challenge & Solution

In June 2016, Urbannaturale consolidated two separate web properties of the Urbannaturale brand into one site. This process was designed to mitigate traffic disruption and improve traffic and increase results from organic search.

A large focus of the migration was on limiting any negative impact to the organic channel: reductions in organic traffic, organic revenue, total keyword presence in the Search Engine Results Pages or total pages indexed by the Search Engines. There was an understanding that removing a product category from the site would most likely lead to a decrease in all categories, but that through careful planning this decrease could be minimized.

48% - Claritas est etiam processus
23% - Mirum est notare quam littera
17% - Investigationes demonstraverunt
22% - Eodem modo typi


In September, roughly 50% of all keywords for the Shop Urbannaturale commerce site were crossovers from the Urbannaturale Merchandising site. less than 25 ranked on the first page. This meant that the additional keywords the new Urbannaturale store ranked for on the first page of Google were new terms and not just previously ranking terms from the Urbannaturale site.

Those first page term increases totaled a 77% lift in just the 1st month, and by the end of December, a 156% total keyword increase was achieved versus June.Not only did the ranking keywords increase, but the percentage of keywords at #1 and the percentage of keywords on the first page were doing well by December. Nearly 40% of all the keywords Urbannaturale ranked for were on the first page and over 7.5% of the total number of keywords Urbannaturale ranked for were in the #1 position.

0.09% CTR
20% less CPA
272% ROI

From The Client

Infozsys improved the site’s search engine rankings. They took a holistic approach and exceeded expectations by providing useful advice that wasn’t outlined in their contract. Customer support communication is clear and concise, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.